You would only get the mean if $x_1$ and $x_2$ are normalized and uncorrelated.
To see this:
If we let $\vec{x_3} = \vec{x_1} + \vec{x_2}$, we get the weight $$w_3 = \Big(\vec{x_1}^T\vec{x_1} + 2\vec{x_1}^T\vec{x_2} + \vec{x_2}^T\vec{x_2}\Big)^{-1}(\vec{x_1} + \vec{x_2})^T\cdot\vec{y} = \frac{(\vec{x_1} + \vec{x_2})^T\cdot\vec{y}}{\vec{x_1}^T\vec{x_1} + 2\vec{x_1}^T\vec{x_2} + \vec{x_2}^T\vec{x_2}}$$.
If we compare that with using both features in a combined matrix $X = \Bigg(\vec{x_1}\hspace{4mm} \vec{x_2}\Bigg)$, there we would get the weight vector$$\vec{w} = \frac{1}{D} \begin{pmatrix} (\vec{x_2}^T\vec{x_2})(\vec{x_1}^T\vec{y}) - (\vec{x_1}^T\vec{x_2})(\vec{x_2}^T \vec{y}) \\ -(\vec{x_1}^T\vec{x_2})(\vec{x_1}^T\vec{y}) + (\vec{x_1}^T\vec{x_1})(\vec{x_2}^T\vec{y})\end{pmatrix}$$ where $D$ is the determinant of the covariance matrix $X^TX$, so $D = (\vec{x_1}^T\vec{x_1})(\vec{x_2}^2\vec{x_2}) - (\vec{x_1}^T\vec{x_2})^2$.
Now, let's assume $\vec{x_1}^T\vec{x_2} = 0$ (i.e. the variables are independent). This makes $$w_3 = \frac{(\vec{x_1} + \vec{x_2})^T\cdot\vec{y}}{\vec{x_1}^T\vec{x_1} + \vec{x_2}^T\vec{x_2}}$$ and $$\vec{w} = \frac{1}{(\vec{x_1}^T\vec{x_1})(\vec{x_2}^2\vec{x_2})} \begin{pmatrix} (\vec{x_2}^T\vec{x_2})(\vec{x_1}^T\vec{y}) \\ (\vec{x_1}^T\vec{x_1})(\vec{x_2}^T\vec{y})\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} (\vec{x_1}^T\vec{y})/(\vec{x_1}^T\vec{x_1}) \\ (\vec{x_2}^T\vec{y})/(\vec{x_2}^T\vec{x_2})\end{pmatrix} $$
The mean of the two weights would be $\frac{(\vec{x_2}^T\vec{x_2})\vec{x_1}^T + (\vec{x_1}^T\vec{x_1})\vec{x_2}^T}{2(\vec{x_1}^T\vec{x_1})(\vec{x_2}^T\vec{x_2})}\cdot\vec{y}$.
So, if we know that $x_1$ and $x_2$ are normalized ($\vec{x_1}^T\vec{x_1} = \vec{x_2}^T\vec{x_2} = 1$), then the combined weight is indeed the mean of the individual weights.