This is probably a stupid question, but somehow I got very confused and so far I could not find a clear answer (there might be no clear answer). I have residue data in 4 different plant matrices (eg leaves, flowers, stems), which were obtained from 2 different treatments. Samples were taken on 5 subsequent days from the same plants (repeated measures) (each plant had 5 replicates).
All I wanted to do is to check whether the assumptions for a repeated measures anova or linear mixed model were met, so for example check for normality and equal variances. Assuming I do a Shapiro Wilko test or plot some qq plots: Should I test the entire dataset together? Or should I test each plant matrix individually? Or each treatment? Or each sampling day? Or should I test for each matrix in each treatment on each day? That would leave me with 5 datapoints for a qqplot or test, which seems a bit odd. The same questions is for testing equality of variance (e.g. Levene's test).
Thank you very much for any help to reduce my confusion!