Let's say we want to find the posterior distribution for $\Theta$, where the likelihood model $X|\Theta$ ~ $Binom(8000, \Theta)$. Suppose instead of one distribution for the prior, we use a linear combination. For example $$f_\Theta(\theta) = \frac{1}{3}Beta(10, 1)+\frac{1}{3}Beta(1, 1)+\frac{1}{3}Beta(1, 10)$$
Since the beta distribution is the conjugate prior for the probability of the binomial distribution, the posterior I got is $$P_{\Theta|X}(\theta|x) = w_1*Beta(10+x, 8001-x)+w_2*Beta(1+x, 8001-x)+w_3*Beta(1+x, 8010-x)$$
It seems to make sense that a linear combination of priors results in a linear combination of posteriors, however, I am not sure how to update the weights. Intuitively, the more "likely" posteriors should have a larger weight. Is my approach on the right track?