The issue here is very likely to be the number of support vectors - if the fraction of points misclassified is just 5% then in your case you will have at least 29K support vectors.
There are several different techniques you can use to achieve a sparser solution - see for example here or here (amongst many others).
A simple alternative technique you can use (which is inspired by this paper which uses compression bounds whereby we look at the number of bits it takes to encode a solution which correctly classifies all the training points), is to create a new sparse solution from the support vectors. The idea relies on the facts that:
- A decision plane that classifies all the points on the margins as +1/-1 will be very sparse and classify the vast majority of points correctly (in particular those beyond the margin).
- Misclassified points can be a large fraction, but - being wrong - they don't actually do a good job supporting the separation between the classes, in particular if they have large loss. Further more, any modification to the solution can't make it perform worse from a 0-1 loss perspective for these points.
- Points that are close to the decision boundary, but still correctly classified are more sensitive to being misclassified than points that are far from the boundary. These points are also more important in defining the "local" shape of the decision boundary.
Based on the above, we define the following approach. Let $\delta \in [0,1)$ be a cut-off for points in the third group - for example $\delta = 0.1$ would mean that we would consider all points with loss in the range $[1-\delta, 1)$ to be in that group. Let the first group be $M$ (for SVs on the margin, these are unbound SVs having $0 \leq \alpha_i < C$, and the third group be $P_\delta$. Then we solve the following linear program to create a new solution defined as $w = \sum_i \beta_i y_i x_i$ by solving:
\min_{i \in M \bigcup P_\delta} \sum |\beta_i| \\
\forall j \in M: \sum \beta_i y_i y_j k(x_i,x_j) = 1 \\
\forall j \in P_\delta: \sum \beta_i y_i y_j k(x_i,x_j) > 0
The number of additional misclassified points based on this approach will be quite small (and indeed may be negative as some previously misclassified points may now be correctly classified), while the solution will be significantly sparser.