The integral
\int_{-\infty}^w \phi(x)\Phi(a+bx)\mathrm{d}x
can be expressed with the help of the bivariate normal function (I don't remember the usual name of this function but I define it below):
\int_{-\infty}^w \phi(x)\Phi(a+bx)\mathrm{d}x =
B_{\frac{-b}{\sqrt{1+b^2}}}\left(\frac{a}{\sqrt{1+b^2}}, w\right)
B_\rho(g_1,g_2) = \Pr(G_1 \leqslant g_1, G_2 \leqslant g_2)
where the random pair
$(G_1,G_2) \sim \mathcal{N}_2\left(\mathbf{0}, \begin{pmatrix}1 & \rho \\ \rho & 1 \end{pmatrix}\right)$.
It can also be expressed with the help of the Owen $T$-function:
\frac{1}{2}\left(\Phi\biggl(\frac{a}{\sqrt{1+b^2}}\biggr) + \Phi(w) -
2T\biggl(w, \frac{a+bw}{w}\biggr) - 2T\biggl(\frac{-a}{\sqrt{1+b^2}}, \frac{ab+w(1+b^2)}{a}\biggr) -
\mathbb{1}_{]-\infty,0]}(a) \right).
I found these equalities in my archives but I don't remember how I derived them or where I found them. Perhaps they are given in Owen's paper Table of normal integrals (1980).
a = 2; b = 3; w = 1
integrate(function(x) dnorm(x)*pnorm(a+b*x), lower=-Inf, upper=w)$value
# 0.5778001
rho <- -b/sqrt(1+b^2)
pmvnorm(upper=c(a/sqrt(1+b^2), w), sigma=cbind(c(1,rho),c(rho,1)))
# 0.5778001
1/2*(pnorm(a/sqrt(1+b^2)) + pnorm(w) - 2*OwenT(w, (b*w+a)/w) -
2*OwenT(-a/sqrt(1+b^2), (a*b+w*(1+b^2))/a) - (a <= 0))
# 0.5778001