I am trying to test the interaction term of level1 * question
. I have two ways, using anova(lm)
and anova(lm, lm2)
. Why their results are so different?
data_long = read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/slfan2013/Jen-Falbe---menu-labeling---Dec-2020/main/STATA/data_long.csv?token=ADGNCRVI2JVHC72URESWLFS765ALK")[,-1]
lm = lme(pme ~ level1 * question, random = ~1 | subject, data = data_long)
lm2 = lme(pme ~ level1 + question, random = ~1 | subject, data = data_long)
> anova(lm)
numDF denDF F-value p-value
(Intercept) 1 2648 21598.329 <.0001
level1 2 1324 8.981 0.0001
question 2 2648 17.354 <.0001
level1:question 4 2648 0.857 0.4888
> anova(lm, lm2)
Model df AIC BIC logLik Test L.Ratio p-value
lm 1 11 11853.99 11923.15 -5915.995
lm2 2 7 11838.61 11882.62 -5912.303 1 vs 2 7.383951 0.1169
I don't understand why the interaction p-value from the first method is 0.4888 and the second is 0.1169, which is too different.
anova(lm, lm2)
is likelihood ratio test for interaction term andanova(lm)
is Wald test for interaction term? $\endgroup$anova(lm, lm2)
is a likelihood ratio test that compares two models, the second gives you tests for the individual effects. $\endgroup$