(This is more of a remark than question, essentially I want to know if there are any works in this direction)
I find method like linear regression unsatisfactory mainly because the prediction for y given x is usually some version of E(Y|X=x).
I think a far better alternative would be to specify a confidence interval of a specific level. But I am fairly convinced that given a confidence level (say 95%), there are multiple ways to come up with a desired interval. To give a pictorial intuition lets say:
Unit square (with area 1) represents our uniform probability space. Then we have multiple subregions which cover 0.95 unit area. Which one is better? We can say that given a area patch is better if it contains means, has less variance, is connected which is essentially alluding to the fact that an area patch minimizes a certain (user given) cost function. It could be my ignorance but I am not seen these kind of question been answered in any textbook.