
I'm looking at a comparison of percentages pre/during covid and I'm trying to work out how to show if there is a statistical difference between groups. I'm not sure which statistical test to use and/or how to do it (looking to use R)

Here's the data I'm working with in full integer form:

Team Covid_flag Wins Losses Total
A Pre 27 140 167
A During 22 157 179
B Pre 123 636 759
B During 91 486 577
C Pre 544 2404 2948
C During 428 1975 2403
D Pre 18 109 127
D During: 15 100 115

or in percentage (Win rate) form:

Team Pre_Covid During_Covid
A 0.162 0.123
B 0.162 0.158
C 0.185 0.178
D 0.142 0.130

Code to create data tables in R:

TestData <- data.frame(Team=c('A','A','B','B','C','C','D','D'),

TestDataRate <- data.frame(Team=c('A','B','C','D'),

Now while I can see that Team A has the biggest drop in win rate, I'm trying to figure out how to show if it's a statistically significant drop compared to the other teams.

I want to do a Chi-Square of the win rate table, but with it being percentages that's not an option, I thought about doing a Chi-Square of the number of wins but I'm not sure if that would account for the different totals pre/during covid?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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