I am looking for some clarity on which statistical test I should run. My experiment consisted of administering medication/control to 10 groups of mice to evaluate their neurodevelopment. I have evaluated their neurodevelopment by an open field test, a novel object test, a social interaction test, and an anatomical MRI. 4/10 groups received an injection prenatally and 6/10 received an injection postnatally. Each groups of mice represents a new litter of mice. In the prenatally exposed group the mother received the injection, thus all the babies received the same medication. In the postnatal half the litter received the treatment or the control. I also purchased 2 pregnant mice at the same time to be able to do my experiments similatiouely on two similar litter and then purchased another 2 pregnant mice 2 weeks later for replicablilty. I repeated for all the groups.
In the papers I am comparing my studies too, most use two-way Anova accounting for sex and treatment. However, how do you compare for similar litters and cage-mates?