I performed 10-fold cross-validation (cv.glmnet) on training data (80/20 split), total data consisting of 1000 samples. Next, I took the lambda.1se value and then fit my model (glmnet) on all the training data. Finally, I test the model on the test data and record the MSE.
I'm being asked by my supervisor to "test the success of my cross validation fit across all samples" since that one holdout test set "meant nothing". My instructions are to 1) choose a quarter of the samples for testing 2) do it 1000 times 3) record MSE for each of those 4) create a histogram of the MSEs.
I don't quite understand how to approach this since they want me to use the same data to cross-validate and test? They said this is internal validation to choose the model by using test sets (1000 samplings). Also, I'm not sure why I would use the cross-validated fit to do this vs. the fit using lambda obtain from cross-validation. Maybe I'm not interpreting their words correctly, but I did write them down as they were speaking.
Any suggestions are appreciated.