I'm currently struggling to find a appropriate method to analyze my experiment.
Currently, I have 4 groups of subjects, and each subjects made a choice between 3 options(A or B or No choice). Below table shows a portion of my data.
Group | Choice |
1 | A |
2 | A |
2 | B |
4 | A |
3 | No choice |
1 | A |
2 | A |
My hypothesis is that, being in group 4 makes subjects shift choice from B to A. But I'm confused because there's 4 groups on a single category of independent variable and they're not ordinal.
Will it be right to shift my data as below..
Group1 | Group2 | Group3 | Group4 | Choice |
O | X | X | X | A |
X | O | X | X | A |
X | O | X | X | B |
X | X | X | O | A |
X | X | O | X | No choice |
O | X | X | X | A |
X | X | X | X | A |
..and use (multinomial) logistic regression to predict choice (A or B or Nochoice) from group number? I am thinking of seeing the effect of "being on group4" on increase of number of A choices in baseline of reference to choice B.