With at most one event possible per individual, the cumulative distribution of events over time, $F(t)$, is simply $F(t)=1-S(t)$ by definition. That has nothing to do with Kaplan-Meier versus Cox models. As that Wikipedia page says:
Sometimes complementary cumulative distribution functions are called survival functions in general.
So "survival functions" can be defined in many contexts outside of what you might typically consider "survival analysis."
The choice between Kaplan-Meier and Cox-modeled survival/cumulative-distribution functions is thus based on what you want to display. Kaplan-Meier curves are closer to raw data, but if restricted to subsets of covariate values they lose power. Cox models employ all the data and can be used for survival-curve predictions at any set of covariate values, but you display a predicted survival or cumulative-distribution curve.
In R, the plot.survfit()
function has a fun
argument that leads to display of the cumulative distribution over time (with fun="F"
) or other transformations of a survival function. In particular, if an individual can have multiple events you might choose fun="cumhaz"
to plot the cumulative hazard of events.