I am trying to understand what variance is, I already know the "official" definition "Variance is the average squared deviations from the mean"
But I am trying to give it a visual entity.
I get to this conclusion through this logic.
Given this formula that represent variance :
If an Xi is way far from the mean, then it will get a big square but given his little proportion of Pi, it become very tiny square. Otherwise, when an element closer to the mean it will get a little square but the big proportion of Pi, turn it into big square. So in my head it turns into something like this:
Is this idea an approximation to the reality or it his a flagged conclusion?
Based in what you have comment me, and what I have watched in this video that I could look for thanks to you. I've cleared my mind a little more.
There are some details that I maybe get a little confused and couldn't express myself properly, misusing tags etc
The area of a probability it will always by 1 cause it refers to the total of a proportion that it cat reach to 100% (or 1) right? From what @AdamO have told me in the comments
Let me bring this hypothetical cases to understand a little bit more
Let supposed that, I have a a population of 40 elephants, with the same age, with the exactly same weight, nor even a nanogram lower or higher. If I have to use this formula
It will be no variance since all have the same data right?
Lets suppose now that I have the same set elephants, but now we add 20 more elephants to weight 100 kg less than the original, and another 20 that are 100 kg heavier than the original.
If we keep adding more elephants, with more weight and less weight, keeping the balance and keeping the same mean. It will start change the variance.
I wouldn't know exactly the figure or the shape of the distribution, but I would know, the final size of the combination of all of them. Isn't that somehow, the area of the distribution of the population? The only case that it didn't exist is in the hipotetical case of a stack of elements with all have the same value therefore, stacks of elements that all are the mean