I am aware this is very basic, and I think I may be overcomplicating it but can someone please confirm what the best thing to do is?
I am looking at female representation within special advisers in UK Government, specifically to see whether women are reaching the highest bands of seniority (which is PB4 in the data).
Here is a summary of the data for 2022:
Female Representation Between Bands
However, I want to look at what % of the total cohort of women is in each band compared to men and then calculate if this is statistically significant?
So for PB4, 3% of the total cohort of women make it to PB4 as opposed to 6% of all men, which is a difference of 100% - now I want to know what test can I do to test if that difference is statistically significant?
Thank you!
Before I refined my research Q to looking at %'s I tried a fishers exact (as my data violates Q-Q plots) and it came up with not-statistically significant.
But I am unsure if I did something wrong, because how can a difference of 100% not be significant?
, or similar techniques for posting usable data, please quickly read stackoverflow.com/q/5963269 , [mcve], and stackoverflow.com/tags/r/info for examples. (2) This question is more about the theory than programming itself, so it has been migrated to Cross Validated. This is fine! This forum is focused more on the pedagogy of the topic. Good luck! $\endgroup$prop.test
function should help $\endgroup$