It's well known that the MLE $\hat{\theta}$ maximizes $f(y\mid\theta)$ and under regularity conditions has asymptotic distribution $$N\left(\theta, \frac{I(\theta)}{J^2(\theta)} \right)$$ where $I(\theta)=Var(E[\partial\ell'(y_i,\theta)])$ and $J(\theta)=-E[\partial^2\ell(y_i,\theta)]$(for simplicity I treat the single parameter case).
the MAP estimate gives $\theta$ a prior density and seeks to maximize $f(\theta\mid y)$. It can also be shown that $f(\theta\mid y)$ in the limit converges to $$N(\hat{\theta}, -\partial^2\ell(\theta\mid y))|_{\theta=\hat{\theta}})$$ where $\hat{\theta}$ denotes the mean of the posterior distribution, ie the MAP. Can I use this result to attain the asymptotic distribution of the MAP, similarly to the MLE? I thought it might have something to do with conjugate distributions (about which I know little)? It would already be very helpful if this were true in a special case, ie the normal case.