I have a time series and I want to subset it while keeping it as a time series, preserving the start, end, and frequency.
For example, let's say I have a time series:
> qs <- ts(101:110, start=c(2009, 2), frequency=4)
> qs
Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4
2009 101 102 103
2010 104 105 106 107
2011 108 109 110
Now I will subset it:
> qs[time(qs) >= 2010 & time(qs) < 2011]
[1] 104 105 106 107
Notice that I got the correct results, but I lost the "wrappings" from the time series (namely start, end, frequency.)
I'm looking for a function for this. Isn't subsetting a time series is a common scenario? Since I haven't found one yet, here is a function I wrote:
subset.ts <- function(data, start, end) {
ks <- which(time(data) >= start & time(data) < end)
vec <- data[ks]
ts(vec, start=start(data) + c(0, ks[1] - 1), frequency=frequency(data))
I'd like to hear about improvements or cleaner ways to do this. In particular, I don't like the way I'm hard-coding start and end. I'd rather let the user specify an arbitrary boolean condition.