I am working to investigate association between environmental pollution and daily hospital admission due to various causes. This outcome data has excess zeros on days when there are no admissions for specific causes. I would like to adjust for temperature and humidity using smooth terms. Usually Poisson generalized additive models with smoothing parameters for time trend and meteorological variables are used to model such associations. However due to excessive zeros I was advised to consider zero inflated models. How can I implement this in R and address non parametric associations of temperature, humidity and time trend?
- What is the criterion to use zero inflated models for a count data?
- How do I run zero inflated model and how do I check the fit?
The following is a sample GAM model in R using mgcv package:
Log {E (hospital admission)} = α+β(pollutant)+s(time)+s(temperature) + s(Relative Humidity) + DOW + flu
E (admission) = expected count of cause specific admissions on day t
β= regression coefficient of the pollutant
pollutant = air pollutant (PM10, ozone, NO2) level at time t
s = smooth function using natural or penalized spline
dow = vector of regression coefficient associated with indicator variables for day of the week (DOW).
Flu= weekly influenza count
Time, temperature and relative humidity are covariates
package COZIGAM which could fit such models. Unfortunately, it is no longer available (I don't know why). Perhaps it will be available again in the future. You could also contact the package maintainer directly: Hai Liu, email: liuhai at iupui.edu. $\endgroup$