ROC curve and the area under it (AUC) are routinely used to evaluate the performance of binary classifiers. However, it seems that both, the shape of the curve and the area, depend on the parameter adjusted.
Indeed, for an infinite sample, ROC curve is essentially the plot of probability of correctly classifying positive outcomes, $P_{11}(\vec{\theta})$ vs. the probability of correctly classifying negative outcomes, $P_{00}(\vec{\theta})$. In the simplest case, for every observation we simply have probabilities $P_{11}^{(i)},P_{00}^{(i)}$, and we can obtain the ROC curve by counting the number of observations where both probabilities exceed certain threshold:
TP = \sum_i I\left[P_{11}^{(i)}>\theta_0\right], TN= \sum_i I\left[P_{00}^{(i)}>\theta_0\right].
E.g., this is how ROC curves are constructed for any classifier in scikit-learn
However, one can imagine a fixed threshold $\theta_0$, while the probabilities depend on other parameter(s) of the classifier - with a different result.
Perhaps, my understanding of ROC curves is too "intuitive". I will appreciate a discussion from the point of view of fundamental principles and/or references to solid texts.