I have balanced panel data for 14 industries and 21 years. The data consists of several variables with annual observations. Based on theoretical reasoning and visual data inspection I assume that there are unobserved time-invariant individual (industry) effects that are likely to be correlated with the explanatory variables. Therefore, I conduct one-way fixed effects (within) estimation. Specifically, I used the plm package in R (model = within, effect = individual). Just a side note: I have to use FE, so please do not discuss whether or not this is justified and just focus on my question below. Thanks :)
When inspecting simple scatter plots by industry (main outcome variable against main explanatory variable), I noticed that the relationship of interest is negative for three industries and positive for all the others. So, I included an interaction term between the main explanatory variable and a dummy variable (1 if one of the three industries, 0 if else) in order to allow for differences in slopes. However, I am not sure how to interpret the coefficients. As far as I understand (from Introductory Econometrics by Wooldridge, 2018), the coefficient of the main explanatory variable (without interaction) refers to all industries except the three mentioned above, while the coefficient of the interaction term gives the difference in slope for these three industries in reference to the former. Is this correct?
For clarification: Given the model below, how can beta2 be interpreted?
$$ y = \beta_1 v_1 + b_2v_1\cdot D + b_3X $$
where $y$ = dependent variable, $v_1$ = main explanatory variable, $D$ = dummy variable, $X$ = placeholder for controls.
(Note, that I omitted subscripts, intercepts/fixed effects and the error term for simplicity)