Based on an earlier question I balanced the classes such that the numbers in both classes is about similar. The random Forest gives next result:
> print(rFresult)
randomForest(formula = finresfh ~ ., data = rFdatasubset, importance = TRUE)
Type of random forest: classification
Number of trees: 500
No. of variables tried at each split: 14
OOB estimate of error rate: 35.53%
Confusion matrix:
1 2 class.error
1 1852 627 0.2529246
2 1022 1140 0.4727105
Prediction on the train set shows perfect separation in contrast to the confusion matrix:
> tab <- table(probability=round(predict(rFresult, newdata=rFdatasubset, type="prob")[,2],1), TRUE_status=rFdatasubset$finresfh)
> tab
probability 1 2
0.1 978 0
0.2 1447 0
0.3 54 0
0.7 0 65
0.8 0 1551
0.9 0 543
1 0 3
The probability is estimated for the subjects to be in class 2. The "probability" table means the number of subjects with predicted probability level having a certain TRUE status.
Can anyone explain why the estimated probabilities show a perfect separation but a totally different result in the confusion table?