I am working with Breiman's random forest code (http://stat-www.berkeley.edu/users/breiman/RandomForests/cc_manual.htm#c2) for classification of satellite data (supervised learning). I am using a training and test dataset having sample size of 2000 and variable size 10. The data is classified into two classes, A and B. In supervised learning mode, the algorithm is performing well with very low classification error (<2%). Now I want to try the unsupervised classification with no class labels in the test data set and see how the algorithm is able to predict the classes. Is there a way to implement unsupervised classification using Breiman's code? Will the error from this method will be higher than supervised classification? The data and run parameter setting in the algorithm are given below
DESCRIBE DATA 1 mdim=10,ntrain=2000,nclass=2,maxcat=1, 1 ntest=2000,labelts=1,labeltr=1,
SET RUN PARAMETERS 2 mtry0=3,ndsize=1,jbt=500,look=100,lookcls=1, 2 jclasswt=0,mdim2nd=0,mselect=0,