I have a data.frame with 800 obs. of 40 variables, and would like to use Principal Component Analysis to improve the results of my prediction (which so far is working best with Support Vector Machine on some 15 hand-picked variables).
I understand a prcomp can help me improve my predictions, but I do not know how to use the results of the prcomp
I obtain the result:
> PCAAnalysis <- prcomp(TrainTrainingData, scale.=TRUE)
> summary(PCAAnalysis)
Importance of components:
PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PC8 PC9 PC10 PC11 PC12 PC13 PC14
Standard deviation 1.7231 1.5802 1.3358 1.2542 1.1899 1.166 1.1249 1.1082 1.0888 1.0863 1.0805 1.0679 1.0568 1.0520
Proportion of Variance 0.0742 0.0624 0.0446 0.0393 0.0354 0.034 0.0316 0.0307 0.0296 0.0295 0.0292 0.0285 0.0279 0.0277
Cumulative Proportion 0.0742 0.1367 0.1813 0.2206 0.2560 0.290 0.3216 0.3523 0.3820 0.4115 0.4407 0.4692 0.4971 0.5248
PC15 PC16 PC17 PC18 PC19 PC20 PC21 PC22 PC23 PC24 PC25 PC26 PC27 PC28
Standard deviation 1.0419 1.0283 1.0170 1.0071 1.001 0.9923 0.9819 0.9691 0.9635 0.9451 0.9427 0.9238 0.9111 0.9073
Proportion of Variance 0.0271 0.0264 0.0259 0.0254 0.025 0.0246 0.0241 0.0235 0.0232 0.0223 0.0222 0.0213 0.0208 0.0206
Cumulative Proportion 0.5519 0.5783 0.6042 0.6296 0.655 0.6792 0.7033 0.7268 0.7500 0.7723 0.7945 0.8159 0.8366 0.8572
PC29 PC30 PC31 PC32 PC33 PC34 PC35 PC36 PC37 PC38
Standard deviation 0.8961 0.8825 0.8759 0.8617 0.8325 0.7643 0.7238 0.6704 0.60846 0.000000000000000765
Proportion of Variance 0.0201 0.0195 0.0192 0.0186 0.0173 0.0146 0.0131 0.0112 0.00926 0.000000000000000000
Cumulative Proportion 0.8773 0.8967 0.9159 0.9345 0.9518 0.9664 0.9795 0.9907 1.00000 1.000000000000000000
PC39 PC40
Standard deviation 0.000000000000000223 0.000000000000000223
Proportion of Variance 0.000000000000000000 0.000000000000000000
Cumulative Proportion 1.000000000000000000 1.000000000000000000
I thought I would obtain the parameters that are the most important to use, but I just don't find this information. All I see are "standard deviation" etc. on the PCs. But how do I use this for prediction?
(Partial Least Squares), which has tools for PCR (Principal Component Regression). $\endgroup$