I am interested in estimating an endogenous treatment effects model of the following form: \begin{eqnarray} Y_i = \alpha + \beta_x X_i + \beta_{z1} Z_{1i} + e_i \\ X_i = a + \beta_{z2} Z_{2i} + v_i \end{eqnarray} where $Y$ is a continuous variable, $X$ is a binary variable that is endogenous in the first equation and $Z_1$ and $Z_2$ are exogenous variables. Furthermore, I have reason to believe that $Z_3$, a third exogenous variable, is a determinant of both $X$ and $Y$.
My question is the following. Should $Z_3$ appear in the second equation that explains $X$ only, or should it appear in the first equation that explains $Y$ as well?