The following paragraph was an excerpt from R PerformanceAnalytics documentation on VaR.
The most common estimate is a normal (or Gaussian) distribution $R\sim \mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma)$ for the return series. In this case, estimation of VaR requires the mean return $\bar{R}$, the return distribution and the variance of the returns $\sigma$. In the most common case, parametric VaR is thus calculated by
$$VaR= -mean(R) - \sqrt{\sigma}*qnorm(c)$$
I am curious why is this the case. VaR is just simply the inverse cdf evaluated at c%.
After reading some articles on standardization suggested by @whuber, I come to the following observations.
Let $Z \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1)$ and $X \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma^2)$, the relationship between the two random variables can be expressed as $$X = \mu + \sigma*Z$$ This can be deduced from the linearity property of normal random variables. The only question left was to show that $$F^{-1}(X) = \mu + \sigma * F^{-1}(Z)$$ That is to show the inverse CDF is a linear function. This is how far I get to. Is there any theorem that says inverse CDF of a normal R.V. is linear?
? $\endgroup$qnorm
? $\endgroup$