I am mining for association rules using arules. I often run new transaction sets with the same code. I dont change the list of restrictions on which items may appear in the rhs and lhs, but sometimes the transaction set does not have an item that is in my rhs or lhs list.
Is there any way to make R ignore this?
> library('arules');
> txn = read.transactions(file="Query1.csv",rm.duplicates=FALSE,format="single",sep=",",cols=c(1,2));
> llist <-scan('gpis.txt', what="", sep="\n");
Read 5505 items
> rlist <-scan('hccs.txt', what="", sep="\n");
Read 127 items
> rules <- apriori(txn, parameter = list(confidence = 0.5), appearance = list(rhs = rlist, lhs = llist));
Error in asMethod(object) :
"blah" is an unknown item label, "blab" is an unknown item label.....