I have a relatively simple multivariate response problem that seems to causing me problems with array indexing. I've scraped/rewworked the model program down to the bare essentials and hopefully haven't cut/replaced too much. I hav3 265 total observations, 5 different groups of responses, each with 53 replications.
# Notes:
# N= total number of samples = 265
# K= number of clusters = 5
# T = number of observations in each clusters =53
# P = nterms=number of independent variables = 10
model {
for (j in 1:K) { #K
for (i in 1:T) { #T
y[i,j] ~ dnorm(mu[i,j], tau)
mu[i,j]<- b0 + b[1]*x[i,j,1] + b[2]*x[i,j,2] + b[3]*x[i,j,3] + b[4]*x[i,j,4] + b[5]*x[i,j,5] + b[6]*x[i,j,6] + b[7]*x[i,j,7] + b[8]*x[i,j,8] + b[9]*x[i,j,9] + b[10]*x[i,j,10] # error
# mu[i,j]<- b0 + b[1]*x[i,j,1]+ b[2]*x[i,j,2] # no error
# mean <- b0+ inprod(x[i,j,], beta[])
# priors ------------------
b0 ~ dnorm(0,0.001) # prior on constant term
for(i in 1:nterms) {
b[i] ~ dnorm(0,0.001)
tau ~ dgamma(1.0E-3, 1.0E-3)
sigma <- 1 / sqrt(tau)
My data input is coming from an R script (data input snippet):
input<- "GB_migration.csv"
obs.raw<-read.table(input, header = TRUE, sep = ",")
K <- 5
T <- 53
N <- nrow(obs.raw)
Y.raw <- obs.raw[,2]
X.raw <- obs.raw[,1:P+2]
….snip ….
The error code I get when I run it with all 10 independent variables:
Error in jags.model("Migration.mod", jags.data, n.adapt = 500, n.chains = 2) : RUNTIME ERROR: Compilation error on line 10. Unable to resolve node mu[1,1] This may be due to an undefined ancestor node or a directed cycle in the graph
I feel like I'm missing something basic with the array indexing, but I cannot seem to put my finger on it. (I've un-nested as many of the vector operations as I could to try to track this down.Hopefully the code still makes sense. )
Thanks in advance for any insight. Dave
as well asP
to JAGS somewhere? $\endgroup$b[6]*x[i,j,6]
(because 6>K) then incorrectly assigned matrix dimensions are the problem. $\endgroup$