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Affinity Propagation evaluation with sklearn metrics [closed]

I did some clustering with sklearn's Affinity Propagation and now I want to check how my clustering performs. I know there are a lot of metrics to check that, but some questions have appeared: Which ...
Mamed's user avatar
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Choosing evaluation measure for non-parametric clustering

I have to cluster some data using non-parametric clustering technique which is given in this paper. After all the cluster evaluation measure used in this paper is Normalized Mutual Information as they ...
maliks's user avatar
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How to validate a clustering model on new data?

I was wondering how one would properly validate the reproducibility of a trained clustering model on a completely new set of data. Imagine you are clustering a patient population in hospital A. You ...
The Jipsess's user avatar
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How to measure reliability of a cluster based segmentation?

I've been given a segmentation in which people are segmented into, say, 6 groups on the basis of some number of survey questions. The segmentation is based on a cluster analysis of some sort. My task ...
zbicyclist's user avatar
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Which clustering methodologies are likely to be best for this data?

I'm using the classic "use-case" example of clustering pixels in a photograph. I've tried K-means, agglomerative clustering, and DBSCAN. When I plot the RGB coordinates in 3-D space, all 3 ...
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