Linked Questions

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Calculating AUC for non-binary class

I have a dataset with a non-binary target class $c$. I want to compute the AUC of my classifier and can do this easily using the one-vs-rest approach. I train $\binom{n}{2}$ classifiers where n is the ...
Pavlin's user avatar
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ROC AUC for multiclass problem

Just some quick questions to clarify my doubt please. I know that one can get precision/recall for each class in a multiclass problem, e.g. in this classification ...
super_ask's user avatar
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ROC curve for multi-variable based prediction in a 3 class classification

I have a data with 10 variables (continuous with log transformed values) that I am using to accurately predict in a 3 class classification. I used RF model to select those 10 variables by first ...
Piyush Joshi's user avatar
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Am I missing obvious problems with my model [closed]

I am using Keras to train a CNN for a single label image classification. The model is being trained on synthesized data and applied to real world images. After a significant amount of trial and error ...
Herr von Wurst's user avatar
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What is an intuitive way to understand an ROC curve for a multinomial classifier?

When drawing an ROC curve for a binary classifier, we vary, say the probability threshold of one class vs the other and get the curve. However I'm confused what this means in a multinomial case where ...
user1172468's user avatar
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Can I draw a single ROC curve for a test method applied onto a group of people with different levels (i.e., light, mild,sever) of sickness

Can I draw a single ROC curve for a test method applied onto a group of people of different levels of sickness severity (i.e., light, mild, severe)? Or I need to draw three different ROC curves, one ...
Ali Sultan's user avatar

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