Linked Questions

13 votes
2 answers

Bagging with oversampling for rare event predictive models

Does anyone know if the following has been described and (either way) if it sounds like a plausible method for learning a predictive model with a very unbalanced target variable? Often in CRM ...
B_Miner's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Does oversampling/undersampling change the distribution of the data?

I have an imbalanced dataset (10000 positives and 300 negatives) and have divided this into train and test sets. I perform oversampling/undersampling only on the train set since doing this on the test ...
Anuj's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Classification algorithms for handling Imbalanced data sets

I’m working on a classification problem where dataset is extremely imbalanced ( roughly 13000 "zero" and 100 "one" responses). As the first step, I trained a Logistic Regression and changing the ...
Upul's user avatar
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How to balance classification?

I have a binary classification problem, where my training data is 70% positive labeled and 30% negative labelled. I use a logistic loss and it always classifies examples positive on the test data. ...
siamii's user avatar
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7 votes
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Does class balancing introduce bias?

I have a data set that is imbalanced, the prediction rate is not much better than the base line without doing any class balance. I have two classes and I can't collect more data. What I have done: ...
iordanis's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Machine Learning - How to Sample Test and Training Data for Rare Events

Suppose I have a data set with 1000 observations. I want to train and test a Classification Model to predict a target variable as true or false. However, in my observation set, true occurs only say 10%...
Fritz45's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

How does class balancing via reweighting affect logistic regression?

When developing machine learning classifiers, some people upsample or upweight the minority class to achieve a 50-50 balance, claiming that this improves performance. Some statisticians have ...
Paul's user avatar
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When to use stratified k-fold

According to a post on Analytics Vidhya: Having said that, if the train set does not adequately represent the entire population, then using a stratified k-fold might not be the best idea. In such ...
Emm's user avatar
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3 votes
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Regression on imbalanced data

I want to predict a continuous value between 0 and 1 and the true labels are 99% (out of 100000 samples) zero and rest of them are between 0 and 1. What are the approaches that I can take so that I ...
nth-attempt's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Should we really do Re-Sampling in Class Imbalance data?

I have been doing ML for quite some time and I have a thought in class imbalance problems that has bothered me quite a lot. In problems where we have Imbalanced Dataset (one class is far more frequent ...
Baktaawar's user avatar
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Imbalanced Test Data

I have an imbalanced (1:5) training and test set with only two classes and have oversampled the training set with SMOTE so that the class ratio is 1:1. The ML model gives values over 0.7 for accuracy, ...
slaw's user avatar
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Effects of class imbalance on nn batch training

Say I have a binary classification task, where the positive class (1) is only 1% of the whole data set. Intuitively I can understand why this could be bad for the classifier as the model may learn ...
Sam's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Does it make sense to use Focal loss for a tree based classifier like XGBoost?

I am working on a classification problem with an imbalanced data (0.2% of positive class). I've seen people using Focal Loss in deep learning in order to help the model focus on hard examples more. I'...
deltascience's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Calibration after up and downsampling

I am experimenting with different techniques to deal with imbalanced classes in a classification problem. I am comparing upsampling the minority class with downsampling the majority class. Furthermore ...
Peter Lenaers's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can oversampling be moved outside stratified k-fold CV?

In a binary classification task, I am using imbalanced-learn's implementation of SMOTENC to oversample the positive class of a very imbalanced dataset. The total number of examples is very high, so ...
Jonas's user avatar
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