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Is entropy the same for a shifted-mean distribution? [duplicate]

The image below shows two identically shaped (Normal) distributions with the second only different by its mean. If I calculate the differential entropy of both separately, would the entropies of the ...
develarist's user avatar
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What is the interpretation of negative differential entropy? [duplicate]

I'm currently trying to understand the meaning of negative entropy. With the given equation: $$ H_{cont}\ (X) = -\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} p(x) \centerdot ln(p(x)) \ dx $$ Here, the The_Sympathizer ...
RL Rookie's user avatar
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What is the role of temperature in Softmax?

I'm recently working on CNN and I want to know what is the function of temperature in the softmax formula? and why should we use high temperatures to see a softer norm in probability distribution? The ...
Sara's user avatar
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When is the differential entropy negative?

The definition of entropy for a continuous signal is: $$h[f] = \operatorname{E}[-\ln (f(X))] = -\int\limits_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x) \ln (f(x))\, dx$$ According to Wikipedia, it can be negative. When ...
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Does higher variance usually mean lower probability density?

Does higher variance usually mean lower probability density? Despite the type of distribution. Thank you. Update: Sorry for confusion. Please allow me to clarify. If I sample the same number of data ...
TaroYamPotato's user avatar
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Differential Entropy drops when any random variable is normalized to unit variance

Differential entropy of Gaussian R.V. is $\log_2(\sigma \sqrt{2\pi e})$. This is dependent on $\sigma$, which is the standard deviation. If we normalize the random variable so that it has unit ...
Cagdas Ozgenc's user avatar
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Entropy of Cauchy (Lorentz) Distribution

Entropy is defined as $H$ = $- \int_\chi p(x)$ $\log$ $p(x)$ $dx$ The Cauchy Distribution is defined as $f(x)$ = $\frac{\gamma}{\pi}$ $\frac{1}{\gamma^2 + x^2} $ I kindly ask to show the steps to ...
RF_LSE's user avatar
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Does the entropy of a random variable change under a linear transformation?

Let $X$ be a random variable. If $Y=aX+b$, where $a,b \in \mathbb{R}$, is the entropy of $Y$ the same as the entropy of $X$?
mhdadk's user avatar
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Equivalent ways of parametrizing Gamma distribution

From scipy documentation at, Gamma distribution is written as $$f(x, \alpha) = \frac{x^{\alpha - 1} e^{-x}}{\Gamma(\alpha)}$$...
zyxue's user avatar
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Is entropy conserved under invertible mappings?

Suppose for a random variable $ X\colon \Omega \to E $, I have an invertible mapping $ Z = f(X) $. Is the Shannon Entropy for each variable equivalent? $$ H(X) = H(Z) $$ If not, can anything ...
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Can the differential entropy be negative infinity?

Define the (differential) entropy for density $f$ as $$ H(f) :=-\int_{0}^{1} f(x) \log_{2}(f(x)) dx \, .$$ I am trying to find a Lebesgue measurable $f$ defined on $[0,1]$ such that $f\geq 0, \...
Tejas Bhojraj's user avatar
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For real variables, variance is to entropy, what the mean is to -?

If $X$ is a real random variable with a pdf, variance/standard deviation is a measure of $X$'s dispersion about the pdf's central tendency, which in turn is referred to as the mean of $X$. For many, ...
develarist's user avatar
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How does a distribution's differential entropy correspond to its moments?

The Gaussian distribution maximizes entropy for the following functional constraints $$E(x) = \mu$$ and $$E((x-\mu)^2) = \sigma^2$$ which are just its first and second statistical moments (true ...
develarist's user avatar
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Does Shannon Entropy uniquely characterise distribution function $f$?

If I have a distribution $f(x)$ over the real line where the support is the whole line, does the Shannon Entropy uniquely characterise $f$? I.e., do we have $H(f) = H(f^*)$ implies $f = f^*$? (The ...
M.cadirci's user avatar
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KL Divergence Normal and Laplace densities

I want to calculate the KL-Divergence between a Laplacian density g and a normal density f. I can decompose $KL(G|F)$ to $\mathbb{E}_g[\log g(X)]-\mathbb{E}_g[\log f(X)]$. I am already stuck with my ...
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