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Linear regression assumptions violated

I have an independent variable hours/day sitting and a dependent variable test scores, I think all of the assumptions of linear regression are violated, as in the pictures that I added So I did one ...
Stats34's user avatar
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Levene's Test on SPSS doesn't show $p$-value [closed]

I have a factorial design with three factors. The model looks like this $$y_{ijk} = \mu + \alpha_i + \beta_j + \gamma_k + (\alpha \beta)_{ij} + (\beta \gamma)_{jk} + \epsilon_{ijk}$$ where $i \in \{ 1,...
user313212's user avatar
2 votes
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Checking for model assumptions on a $5 \times 3 \times 5$ factorial design

Let's say I have $5$ stains of a bacteria, and I want to test the number of bacterias on each stain to different temperatures ($27, 35$ and $43$ degrees), and different concentrations of a product ...
user313212's user avatar
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Is sphericity violated if my sample size is less than the repeated measurement count?

In SPSS, I find that the Mauchley's test does not provide any result if the sample size is less than the repeated measurement count. I have a sample size of 19 and a repeated measures of 22. My ...
Srilekha's user avatar
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Unequal sample sizes one-way ANOVA [duplicate]

I have a question about a data analysis that I am running. I am analyzing the results of a survey in which (expectedly) there exists far fewer people in one group than in another. This survey is an ...
Chris Riddell's user avatar
9 votes
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How to test for normality in a 2x2 ANOVA?

Study Design: I showed participants some information about sea-level rise, focusing the information in different ways, both in terms of the time-scale and the magnitude of potential rise. Thus I had a ...
Lee's user avatar
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Understanding repeated measure ANOVA assumptions for correct interpretation of SPSS output

I am investigating whether different reward conditions may affect task performance. I have data from a small study with two groups, each with n=20. I collected data on a task that involved performance ...
Short Elizabeth's user avatar