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Appropriate technique for grouping objects with multiple ratings each?

I've got a questionnaire in which I'm asking participants to rate 17 countries on eight different rating scales each (scale 1-7). I'm now interested in finding out which countries are similar to each ...
caminoodle's user avatar
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In NLP what does it mean when text data is clustered? What does each cluster represent?

I am reading about NLP and text analysis and am studying clustering of text data. I have a large csv file that is a collection of online responses. I am first converting each response to a TFIDF ...
StuckInPhDNoMore's user avatar
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How does Principal Component Analysis help me understand my data?

I have a dataset which contains 10000 examples. Each example has 100 dimensions. These dimensions have the same scale. I clustered all examples using their 100-dimensional vectors and drew the elbow ...
Munichong's user avatar
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Neighborhood analysis in Matlab using a dot plot

I have points in a 2D graph (coordinates: X,Y property: Z). I would like to find for every point the closest, for example, 5 points and save their properties. What would be the easiest approach? ...
C.Colden's user avatar
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How to plot results from text mining (e.g. classification or clustering)?

In text classification and clustering, the number of features are normally big, e.g. I currently get are around 5,000 features which is already really small compared to many other text mining tasks. ...
Flake's user avatar
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