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How to include drug exposure periods in a time to event analysis?

I'm finding it difficult to settle on a method in the literature on how to deal with exposure time of being on a drug(s) (or not) on a future outcome. Let's say my outcome is death and I have ...
brucezepplin's user avatar
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Competing Risks Likelihood in each State

I have a competing risks model where every observation starts in state 0 and ends up in either state 1 or state 2. I have the following cumulative hazard functions for each transition to state 1 and ...
JoeBass's user avatar
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Cox Proportional-Hazards Regression vs. Regression modeling of competing risk using Fine and Gray

30000 patients all have one diagnosis in common, 3000 of them have been exposed to a potential risk factor before the common diagnosis. 1500 patients develop a malignancy after the common diagnosis. ...
ATM's user avatar
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