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5 votes
3 answers

Cox model - unsure of time unit of analysis

I am running a survival analysis (Cox model) on time to event in cancer patients. The start of followup is end of treatment. Tests for the event (recurrence) are performed every 6 months from cancer ...
user167591's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to generate a scatterplot of relative hazard for participants superimposed on Cox regression line?

I have been using the rms package in R to perform Cox regression on time-to-event data. I have used the ...
Nicholas Black's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Presentation of a 3x3 categorical interaction for Cox proportional hazards regression using RMS package

I wanted to verify my presentation of a 3x3 interaction of two categorical variables var1 (exposure of interest) and var2 (effect modifier of interest) using the rms...
apos13's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Computing c-index for an external validation of a Cox PH model with R

First off, I'll state that I'm aware many questions get asked about the c-index. I've searched this site and others, and I haven't found an answer for my situation. I can successfully use ...
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