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Modeling Condition Specific Associations

I am trying to model a crossover repeated measures design in which individuals complete both the active and control conditions. These individuals also complete cognitive testing before and after both ...
user395624's user avatar
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Mixed effect model for repeated measurements in crossover study using R

I am trying to analyze data from a crossover study. The study has two phases and subjects are randomized to received either treatment A or Treatment B first, and then switch to the alternative ...
Kylee M's user avatar
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Interpret results of a mixed effects model analyzing a 2x2 cross-over study?

I have conducted a randomized 2x2 cross-over trial of 8 participants measuring the effect of a specific diet (intervention) vs normal diet (control) on the number of sleep hours. The study design ...
Wandering_geek's user avatar
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Linear mixed model for crossover trial with repeated measure levels in SPSS

I have data from a study where participants completed 3 interventions in a randomized order (1 week washout period), and where in every intervention, outcome measures were taken every 15 minutes over ...
FXT's user avatar
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Is it normal when including an interaction effect as a fixed effect in a mixed effect model the p-value of the main effect change drastically?

I conducted a randomized crossover study in which I had two within subject factors; condition and Time. When running a repeated measures ANOVA the analysis shows significant main effect of condition ...
Methnani jabeur's user avatar
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How to calculate the effect size in a 3 by 3 crossover design study?

How does one proceed when one want to calculate effect sizes for a 3 by 3 crossover design, in which individuals only have one observation in each period (i.e. no repeated measurement setting)? I ...
peter's user avatar
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2x2 Crossover Trial - minimum observations to run a linear mixed model

I am planning a 2x2 randomized crossover trial with about 20-25 subjects. There will be one measurement (continuous outcome) with period A (intervention) and period B (placebo) for each individual. ...
mdx's user avatar
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I'm lost in Crossover design-repeated measurements and mixed modelling

I am searching for days now, in what I think is a repeated measurements crossover design but I think I got mixed up reading up on it and I'm now going in circles so I was wondering if anyone could ...
Tsitsi_Catto's user avatar
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linear mixed model for a simple crossover trial

I would like to understand how to analyse a basic crossover trial using a linear mixed model. Participants have a baseline measure of the dependent variable, they are then randomised to either placebo ...
RobMcC's user avatar
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Pooling Different Crossover Data within A Study

I am trying to analyze a double-blind study that has 3 separate crossovers: Dose X mg Dose Y mg Dose Z mg In each cohort, subjects are randomized to either 'Treatment-Placebo' or 'Placebo-Treatment'....
Chris's user avatar
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Equivalence of proc mixed SAS and R lme/lmer

I am looking at a 2x2 crossover study with period-specific baseline measurements and the according post-treatment outcome values Intervention (A or B) Sequence (AB or BA) Period (visit day1 and visit ...
TueBimet's user avatar
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How to measure carryover effect in a crossover design 3x3?

I'm trying to analyse a potential carryover effect from a study with a crossover design 3x3, three treatments and three periods. My data has a latin square design with the treatment sequences CBA, ...
user11916948's user avatar
6 votes
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Pre-post treatment comparison crossover study 2 treatments 2 baselines

I would like to analyse data with a crossover design. Each subject was assigned to a sequence (AB or BA), i.e. 2 periods. Each period consisted of one measurement before treatment (baseline or pre-...
Ruben's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How should I specify random effects in a crossover study with lots of repeated measures (continuous time component)?

I don't see any previous questions (with answers) about this exact thing. n=20 patients. Each took placebo then did a task for up to 60 minutes. Response (continuous variable) was measured every 2 ...
StatsNTats's user avatar
4 votes
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How to handle crossed and nested terms in a crossover design

Here comes my case: I conducted an experiment with the following design: 30 participants, each with a unique id, were screened and classified according to a trait. Then, all participants were tested ...
rcirer's user avatar
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analytical methods for crossover study that has an addition control group

I have a crossover study where patients perform a cognitive task (with two conditions) when their brain stimulation is switched on and then off. Using a mixed effects regression, I would ensure that ...
George Youssef's user avatar
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How to analyze this unusal longitudinal design?

I have data coming from an unusual design. 10 subjects were drawn to receive an experimental eye drop for reducing intraoccular pressure. One eye was chosen by random and the drops were applied. The ...
user3275222's user avatar
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Mixed model for multiple measurements in a crossover study (SAS)

I am currently trying to analyse data from a crossover study. In brief, the study is of a crossover design, where each participant takes part in 2 separate sessions, where they play a game. This game ...
Daniel Hovey's user avatar
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How to analyze fractional crossover design (factional survey experiment) with 3 factors in R?

I have the following experimental design: my treatment is composed out of three factors (factor1, factor2, ...
strohne's user avatar
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covariate-adjusted analysis for time to event endpoint in a cross over design RCT

I have a time to event endpoint in a 2x2 crossover RCT which I would like to analyse with a regression model to adjust for covariate effects. I am supposing I cannot fit a Cox proportional Hazards ...
dandar's user avatar
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Sample size calculation for crossover design using dependent t-test - role of $\rho$?

I am trying to do a sample size calculation for a 2x2 crossover study. I have access to previous studies whereby I can get covariate adjusted estimates of the variability of the responses (from a ...
dandar's user avatar
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3 answers

repeated measures ANOVA, crossover trial, R

I am sorry for stating such a question. Unfortunatelly, it's very-very hard to go through all statistics. I have a crossover study design with 3 treatments, 3 periods, and a baseline (covariate). The ...
Kirill's user avatar
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