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How come Mini Batch K means partial_fit method be useful for stream clustering?

Currently, I'm studying the advance in cluster analysis regarding stream clustering. I ended up assessing Mini batch K means because of some comments I read on the Internet, like the following one: ...
onofricamila's user avatar
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is K-Means clustering suited to real time applications?

I want to segment a sequence of RGB images (basically it's a video) based on their colors in real time. KMeans is an easy and intuitive algorithm to use in this case, but it's execution time is very ...
S.E.K.'s user avatar
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Explain streaming k-means [closed]

I need to cluster 22 million vectors, each of which has a dimension of 1024. Can anyone explain streaming k-means to me?
user3048838's user avatar
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Streaming K-medoids

Mahout, Hadoop machine learning library, contains an implementation of Streaming K-means algorithm that is based on the following paperworks The Effectiveness of Lloyd-Type Methods for the k-Means ...
Kobe-Wan Kenobi's user avatar
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Streaming k-means

I want to perform something like streaming/online/out-of-core kmeans clustering on large data. Here is simple idea: Break all data into N chunks. Read from disk 1st chunk and calculate centroids ...
mrgloom's user avatar
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Incremental hierarchical clustering

I have an online k-means algorithm following this scheme: ...
shn's user avatar
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Distance threshold for clustering

Usually online clustering methods (based on kmeans or not) define a distance threshold value. If a new data-point $x$ is far enough from the nearest center $c$ (i.e. the distance from $x$ to $c$ is ...
shn's user avatar
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Online clustering

I'm trying to build a K-means clustering system with 'online learing', that is, there are existing K clusters and data points in them, and periodically there is a new data point that is sent to an ...
vonPetrushev's user avatar