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Normal Probability Plot: oscillation around straight line: polynomial relationship?

This is the Normal Probability Plot I've obtained for some data: As you can see the points seem to osciallate, as in a period, around the line of slope 1 and passing through the origin. I've obtained ...
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Partial residual plot with interactions?

The NIST website's description of the partial residual plot says that it plots $$ \text{Res}+\hat\beta_iX_i\text{ versus } X_i $$ where $\text{Res}$ = residuals from the full model $\hat\beta_i$ = ...
space_voyager's user avatar
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What is the physical significance of cumulative correlation coefficient?

Say, I have 2 parameters, and based on my dataset, I have iteratively calculated the correlation coefficients between them by taking the correlation of the first i terms, where i ranges from 1 to the ...
Kristada673's user avatar
5 votes
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How to estimate the standard deviation of residuals on a residual plot?

So I understand that on the normal histogram and scatter plot, we estimate the standard deviation by looking at the portion which contains $\frac23$ of the data. In terms of a residual plot from a ...
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