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How do I read this posterior distribution? [closed]

This might be a very strange question, but I am having a bit of trouble. Here is a posterior distribution. If I am reading this passage out loud, when I get near the end to π(δ1), do I read it as pi ...
Fire's user avatar
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Sampling posterior distribution of a function

I have the following problem: let's say I have a function $y=f(x)$. Let $f$ be defined for all $x$ but it it might not be invertible. Further assume $x \sim p(x)$ with some probability density $p(x)$. ...
matthiaw91's user avatar
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Expectation and variance of the posterior distribution example: seeking elaboration on normalising constant

I have the following example: Assume that we have an observation $Y$ from a Binomial distribution with parameter $n = 20$ and success probability $p: [Y \sim \mathrm{Bin}(20, p)]$. Further assume ...
The Pointer's user avatar
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Poisson posterior PDF

I want to understand this concept a little better, I'll give a reduced example of the problem I'm having and would appreciate a more intuitive answer (my statistics background is largely self taught ...
Lio Elbammalf's user avatar
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Find posterior distribution

Let $X_{1},..,X_{n}$ be a sample from a poisson$({\lambda})$ distribution. Let the prior be ${\pi}({\lambda})=1/{\sqrt{\lambda}}$. Find the posterior distribution. My work: We have $f(x|{\lambda})=\...
user134724's user avatar
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Can posterior distribution for a continuous variable be greater than one?

I already asked this question here, but I am not sure where would be better to ask it? This might sound a dumb question but I am really confused about it. According to Bayes' rule we do have the ...
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