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How is the Representer theorem used in the derivation of the SVM dual form?

This is the primal form of the SVM hypothesis : $$ h _{\mathbf{\vec w}, b}(\mathbf{\vec x}^{(i)}) = \mathbf{\vec w}\cdot \mathbf{\vec x}^{(i)} + b $$ The Representer theorem as formulated here ...
Sagnik Taraphdar's user avatar
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How to solve alphas (or the dual equation) after getting Lagrangian dual of SVM

I'm trying to learn SVM by myself, and I'm stuck after getting the dual of SVM. I understand getting the dual after the primal. But, I am stuck here. Please help. We assume that the hard margin case ...
dvdy's user avatar
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Why is the Dual Formulation a valid reparametrization of a regression model

In polynomial regression problems, in which an input vector $\underline{\phi}(\underline{x})$ is used to map a feature vector to a higher dimensional space (an example of this being $(x_{1}, x_{2}) \...
gazza89's user avatar
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A PCA related problem [closed]

Consider the problem of shape averaging. In particular, suppose $X_i\ (i = 1,\dots, M$) are the input matrices, $X_i\in \mathbb R^{N\times2}$, with each sampled from corresponding 2D positions of ...
Saksin's user avatar
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How to recover primal problem from its dual counterpart

I am asking this from context of optimization in machine learning. We often talk about a primal problem and how this primal problem can be solved by first converting it into a dual problem (Using ...
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