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Distribution of Extreme Spread for n, sigma

Simple form provided by WHuber: What is the distribution of the diameter of n points in the plane drawn iid from a bivariate Normal distribution? (Diameter is the greatest distance among any pair of ...
feetwet's user avatar
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Asymptotic probability concerning the largest absolute value in an iid Gaussian sample

Let $v[n]$ be a vector $N$ $iid$ gaussian samples, of ~$N(0,\sigma^2)$ Also, let $v_{max}$ denote the maximum absolute value of all the samples given. (That is, if I took the absolute value of all the ...
Spacey's user avatar
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What is the maximum value in a finite selection of a normally distributed variable?

A parameter of an object is normally distributed with a mean m and a std. dev. s. If r such ...
Shashank Sawant's user avatar
12 votes
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Expected value of spurious correlation

We draw $N$ samples, each of size $n$, independently from a Normal $(\mu,\sigma^2)$ distribution. From the $N$ samples we then choose the 2 samples which have the highest (absolute) Pearson ...
LeelaSella's user avatar
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Is my data fit "extreme value distribution" or "normal distribution"?

I have a large data.frame in R. I would like to double if its distribution fit normal distribution or extreme value distribution better Here is my simplified data.frame. ...
a83's user avatar
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Calculating the distribution of maximal value of $n$ draws from a normal distribution [duplicate]

According to normal probability distribution theory which says that for $n$ independent, identically distributed, standard, normal, random variables $\xi_j$ the expected absolute maximum is $E(\max|\...
K-1's user avatar
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How do extreme values scale with sample size?

Assume I have a random vector $X = \{x_1, x_2, ..., x_N\}$, composed of i.i.d. binomially distributed values. If it would simplify the problem substantially, we can approximate them as normally ...
dsimcha's user avatar
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Is there an analytical expression for the distribution of the max of a normal k sample?

For example: k <- 100 R <- 10000 max.g <- numeric(R) for(i in 1:R) max.g [i] <- max(rnorm(k)) hist(max.g) # We can see it's right tailed... I ...
Tal Galili's user avatar
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