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Help with PSD graph interpretation and Time Series Analysis

I am pretty new to time series analysis and I am currently studying it. My latest work requires me to work with a time series that was generate by VASP AIMD. I tried power spectrum density analysis ...
David's user avatar
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Examples of Fourier Analysis in statistics?

My brother in law is studying Electrical Engineering (undergrad level.) I was helping him select some coursework, and noticed that "engineering analysis" includes Fourier analysis. I didn't ...
jbuddy_13's user avatar
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A space of functions and their Fourier Transforms?

Conjugate variables and the Fourier transform are often used to analyze different states of a single object. For example in Quantum Mechanics it can be used to describe changing information about ...
Flowy Poosh's user avatar
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Regression for Analysing Fourier Transform of a Complex Function

Regression for Analysing Fourier Transform of a Complex Function I need to analyse a linear system which is y = FT{x}, where Input x and output y are both complex function (A*exp(jθ)). If I only ...
Sunchi's user avatar
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Fourier Transform on varied time data

So... no clue where I should be asking this question but I'm hoping someone here can at least point me in the right direction. I have a time series that I would like to do spectral analysis on but I ...
kmdewey's user avatar
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Characteristic function and Fourier transform

I understand the definition of characteristic functions used in probability theory: For a random Variable $X$ with probability density function $f_X$ the characteristic function is defined as: $$\...
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