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Restricted Boltzmann Machine: W matrix visualization results after training MNIST images and Pseudo-log-likelihood

I am implementing RBM from scratch using Tensorflow and after training my RBM on the MNIST dataset for 200 epochs using Persistent CD with two steps of contrastive divergence, I learn the weights W ...
ef24's user avatar
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One shot inference with Variational Autoencoders using proposal mean

Let's say you have an already trained Variational Autoencoder where the parameters are $\phi, \theta$ for the recognition and generative models respectively. Let's also assume you have the following ...
D_Serg's user avatar
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What enforces features diversity in RBM?

I'm working on an implementation of a Restricted Boltzman Machine (RBM). I made some tests on the MNIST dataset trying to learn a representation of the digit 2. My inputs are binary images. My aim is ...
user3091275's user avatar