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Meaningful to retrieve original value after standardization using clustering

I already referred these posts here and here. Currently, I am working on customer segmentation using their purchase data. So, my data has below info for each customer Based on the above linked posts ...
The Great's user avatar
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Interpretation of Cluster Distortion on Normalized data

I have a clustering problem which I solved using KMeans clustering. I also know that the Elbow Method for cluster evaluation can be used to approximate a feasible pick for the number of clusters. I ...
Bjarke Kingo's user avatar
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Normalizing variables before clustering

I am looking to apply k-means clustering on two features of remote sensing data. The first layer is the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), which is expressed on a scale between 0-1. The ...
GRou's user avatar
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normalisation in k means clustering on percentages and other numerical variables

I have several variables to include in k-means, some of them are percentages (between 0-1) and some of them are numerical variables (positive values). I know normalisation is required when the ...
goyiki's user avatar
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Data normalization in k-means and svm

Generally if I want to normalize my data in which direction I should normalize (subtracting mean and dividing by std)? Lets say I have a data matrix D (...
user570593's user avatar
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Inputs to k-means are often normalized per-feature. Why not fully whiten the data instead?

We often normalize inputs to the k-means algorithm by 1) subtracting the mean on a per-feature basis and 2) dividing by the standard deviation on a per-feature basis. Some rational behind this is ...
rd11's user avatar
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