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How to make clusters (consisting of demands) equal to the load of a truck?

I am working on a routing problem where I have thousands of points (places) with individual demands (in Weight and Volume). So far I have created 5 clusters based on their location. Now I need to ...
Shibaprasad's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Finding a solution for k-means in 1-dimensions

Given are three points in 1-dimensional space: $x_1 = 0$, $x_2 = 2$ and $x_3 = 3$. We want to calculate the global minimizer for the objective function of k-means with k=1 (It is also added in the ...
Pugl's user avatar
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Is Marina Meila's work "The Uniqueness of a Good Optimum for K-Means" a general result applicable to other clustering algorithms as well?

In this paper, a bound on the “error subspace” projection is established, which is then used to show that any two clusterings with small distortion are close. Which immediately follows that, if a good ...
Kristada673's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why do we merge "close" clusters post-processing in k-means clustering?

My professor mentioned that we may merge "close" clusters (those with relatively low sum of squared errors) after k-means clustering. However, I don't see the benefit in doing this. If a cluster has ...
Shuklaswag's user avatar