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Using the ARI to validate clusters

To validate the results of a clustering solution, I am using the ARI to quantify the agreement with a reference classification method. Something which I do not quite understand is the concept of a "...
Indigo's user avatar
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K means clusters, would PCA be a better option?

I have the data below. I need to use a clustering method to classify them and into categories of "Heterozygotote, Allele 1, Allele 2 and No Call. The values in RFU1 and RFU2 are used to determine the ...
Jordan Browne's user avatar
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K - means cluster always landing right on top of whole dataset mean

I have a so so sized data set - 30 000 observations. I would like to run K-means on them but to restrict the center(mean) of the data. This is, I would like to push the clusters away from this mean. ...
JEquihua's user avatar
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