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Should I train my final model on the (train+validation) set before final submission?

I was trying to evaluate different classification models on MNIST dataset. There are two datasets provided : train - 42000 images, and ...
Dietzsche Nostoevsky's user avatar
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Cross validation best practice for competition purpose

I'm fairly new to DS scene and I have been learning about theories and doing practices on kaggle/participate in private competition. For real world problems, my understanding is that you split out ...
bchoiNY's user avatar
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What do they mean by Robust Cross-Validation?

I was reading a Kaggler Interview article and they kept specifying the importance of a stable and good cross-validation in order to win their competitions. What do they mean by that? I usually just ...
Chipmunkafy's user avatar
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SVC doing great on validation & test data but scored very low on predicted data

First of all, this is my first machine learning project after taking Andrew Ng's course, so please bear with me. I'm working on the most famous dataset, the Titanic data. First, I split the dataset ...
Blaze Tama's user avatar