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Plot the probability (success) of a binary variable from coefficients of a GLMM?

I have developed a GLMM (Mixed Generalized Linear Model), as you can see in more detail [here] (Is it correct to evaluate differences of a binary variable between different places with a GLMM?) ...
biologistor's user avatar
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Probability curve for glmm

I have some rather basic questions that I suspect I know the answer to but would like to confirm. I have a simple experiment measuring the number of a certain insect growth stage in the proportional ...
J.Con's user avatar
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Error bars overlap but effect is significant in glmm. What's going on?

I have run the following glmm: mod<-glmer(data=newdata, total_flr_vis ~ treatment + flr_num + (1|individual), family=poisson) and get this output from ...
JKO's user avatar
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data visualization following glmm in lmer

Everything I know about glmms is from the internet, and after extensive searching, I haven't come across a good clearcut guide for how to visualize your data in a way that is relevant to hypotheses ...
Beth's user avatar
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plot effects on glmer

I done a GLMM with the function glmer from lme4, the variable paternity is binomial (yes or no)(...
anais's user avatar
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Plotting fit for binomial lme

I've been asked by a reviewer on a manuscript to provide plots of a model fit for a binomial lme which is specified as follows: ...
elze's user avatar
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