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Error: PIRLS loop resulted in NaN value in GLMM (glmer) model with Gamma distribution

I have a problem fitting a GLMM model with a Gamma distribution (my outcome variable is strictly positive and right-skewed) and an identity link using glmer in R. ...
Maeldun's user avatar
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Model Verification for Gamma GLMM, different between qqplot and DHARMA

I am working with a dataset where the response variable looks like an in-between of normal and gamma distribution Edit: Including model formula and output, as requested, below  I’m using lme4 ...
user326575's user avatar
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What can Ido if I get patterns in residuals vs predicted values using `lme4::glmer()` with a GAMMA distribution?

I want to model a response variable (y) as a function of two explanatory variables (x and z)....
Dekike's user avatar
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Gamma GLMM Dispersion, Random Effects, and CoV (lme4)

So I know that in glm(), with the Gamma family, one can get the dispersion parameter through the MASS package with gamma.dispersion() or can even look at the summary output as a quick estimate. How ...
Vattaka's user avatar
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Which method to use when calculating the confidence interval of GLMM Gamma Regression with the lme4 package in R

I am fitting a GLMM with family gamma using the lme4 package in R. Below is a code example to simulate the gamma GLMM fitting. ...
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