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How to analyze multiple choice data with logistic regression?

I have doubts about which is the best way of performing an analysis. It is the first time that I face this type of data. Briefly, I am investigating if a number of variables are associated with the ...
papavientos's user avatar
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Why am I encountering Error: Response is Constant, when using performing a GLMM using glmer?

I am trying to determine what factors best predict/explain where deer fawns are being killed by predators based on the kill site's distance to clear-cuts (which I've grouped into three different age ...
ahomkes's user avatar
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Bootstrapped confidence intervals for predicted probabilities seem too small (using glmer in lme4)

I am using logistic regression to examine factors affecting female reproductive status (0=inactive, 1=active) in a rodent species. My top model includes the fixed effect of "year" and a random ...
FCassidy's user avatar