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Interpreting a binned residual plot for logistic regression

I have the following mixed effect logistic regression: ball3=glmer(Buried~Offset+Width_mm+(1|Chamber), family=binomial, data=ballData) And I would like to ...
JeanDrayton's user avatar
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Residuals with glm / glmer don't have null mean

I am trying to fit accuracy data (taking values 0 or 1) using glmer and I am puzzled to observe that the residuals of the model don't have a null mean. Wasn't this the whole point of the optimization.....
Tom Bug's user avatar
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Use predicted values with or without random part to plot Residuals with binnedplot of a logistic regression in glmer (lme4 package) in R?

Which binnedplot of the glmer should I use to check the model? The residuals against the predicted values without random part(REform=NA) or residuals against the predicted values with random part(...
user41906's user avatar